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Container Managment
Container Mangement
Container Management

     Innovative Logistics Group spearheaded the Container Management Center (CMC) concept in the mid 1990's. The CMC receives empty containers from the production facility, removes dunnage, and maintains storage banks through the application of the Min-Max Process.  The CMC software mirrors the supplier's inbound shipping schedule to generate an outbound returnable container order.  The CMC pulls the returnables from inventory, applies shipping labels, prepares paperwork, and ships the order to the supplier. 

  • Allows usage of generic totes, knockdowns and metal racks by multiple suppliers.
  • Decrease Container Inventory levels.
  • Keeps material flow in approved designated container rather than expendable back-ups and costs associated with them.
  • Utilizing a single point for dunnage removal enhances green practices by recycling 100% of cardboard associated with returnable containers.
  • Parts recovered from partially consumed totes or knockdowns are returned to production facility.
        (C) 2008 Innovative Logistics Group